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Net operating income and a gross rent multiplier allow investors to easily compare different investments against each other. Net operating income is the total income a property generates minus necessary expenses. The formula is:
NOI = (Total Income) - (Operating Expenses)
A cash flow statement identifies the cash income and expenses of a real estate investment, summing three parts: operations, investing, and financing. The rate of return, capitalization rate, cash-on-cash, and total returns formulas also help the investor determine the profitability and financial risk of a specific property. Rate of return tells investors what to expect from their investment. The formula is:
Rate of Return = ((Investment Gain - Investment Cost) / Investment Cost) * 100
Capitalization rate helps an investor determine the potential of any given investment. The formula for it is:
Capitalization Rate = (Net Operating Income / Current Market Value) * 100
The cash-on-cash return metric expresses the return on investment in relation to how much cash has been put into the deal. The formula for it is:
Cash-on-Cash Return = (Annual Cash Income / Total Cash Invested) * 100
And, finally, the total return on investment accounts for the impact of taxes on investment returns. The formula is:
((Investment Gain - Investment Cost) / Investment Cost) * 100